Agreed Order Investigation and Remediation, Martin Wood Products

Spokane International Airport, Spokane, Washington

Spokane International Airport (SIA) sought to expand runway buffer zones by acquisition of adjacent properties. Toward that goal, SIA had commissioned a Phase I/II ESA of the Martin Wood Products' site. The preexisting ESA cited multiple discrete areas of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination within the property boundary as well as several areas where the possibility of PCB contamination was indicated but not confirmed. Fulcrum was initially retained by SIA to generate projections of cleanup cost based upon preexisting data to enable a decision on property acquisition. After potential conflict of interest issues were considered by all parties and their legal counsel, Fulcrum was retained by the seller, Martin Wood Products, to design and manage cleanup of the site.

Following demolition of site structures, Fulcrum worked closely with the environmental contractor guiding and documenting the remedial effort. Fulcrum provided quality control sampling and rapid analytical turnaround throughout cleanup. Documentation of the positive absence of PCB contamination in soils by analyses was essential to effective cost control of the remedial effort. Petroleum contaminated soil and hazardous waste were excavated and fully characterized prior to off-site disposal. Risk-based evaluation of cleanup levels was utilized by Fulcrum to establish depth of excavation sufficient to meet regulatory criteria. Fulcrum's successful interaction with adjacent landowners became critical to cleanup progress when it became evident that subsurface contamination had migrated across property lines. In spite of the complex character of the site and several substantial revisions to work scope to accommodate new data, the cleanup was completed within Fulcrum's original projection of remedial costs.

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207 West Boone Avenue
Spokane, WA 99201
p: 509.459.9220

406 North 2nd Street
Yakima, WA 98901
p: 509.574.0839